Now, we, educated, scientific minded, modern realists, will pooh-pooh away these ridiculous speculations. But nevertheless, an interesting thought came into my mind. What if the world is actually coming to an end? What if the final moments are here? What if the time finally comes to act out "the 5 things you wanna do before dying"?
Now, that'll be really frustrating for some of us, ain't it? I mean I want to do a lots of things rite now, and you're saying there's only 3 years left, with more importantly, no bank account! Come on! That's not fair! Well, I guess, that'll be the attitude for most of us. Right? Eh!
"Money, money, money, Must be funny, It's a rich man's world!", ABBA sang in the 1970's. Well, there's nothing wrong in aspiring to be rich(er) if you'ren't born rich (or rich enough, different perspective). And after working your butts off for most of your good years to finally reach the step where riches and material comfort awaits, and then, you tell me, the world's going to end in 3 years. Well, I'll be god-damned pissed.
Or, maybe not. Or, maybe, we could do the one spiritual thing which will make the remaining 1000 days or so, very enriching indeed. What spiritual thing? Frankly, I don't know. Maybe getting married, as quite a few ppl are doing nowadays? Maybe, meditating? Maybe, falling in love or if you're already in love, all over again? Well, it's upto you to find out. What bout me? I'll continue on my quest.. and that's all I've to say right now!
Or consider the other option, as what happened in the movie, Groundhog Day! In the movie, the day didn't move at all... I mean, the day was stuck for that guy, with only him retaining the memories of the earlier same days, while everyone else didn't. And the worst thing, he was in a town full of strangers and new acquaintances when that happened. I mean, just see the movie.
What if your world is the same day everyday, over and over again? Again, as of today's situation, won't you be frustrated? (this excludes my juniors at XL rite now)... Or maybe not, you'll say. Well, that completely depends on the kind of day you get. As Bill Murray's character, "Once I was on a vacation in Miami, there I met a beautiful girl, we swam in the ocean, and we dance and we drank pina coladas. Then we made love. Why can't I get that day? Why did I get this day?"
So, my question is, if you know, that time's gonna stopped at 21 Dec, 2012, just like the situation in Groundhog day, what's ya gonna do? Most of us, will, first of all, make sure, we're with our near or dear ones or with the special person. Then, we'll make sure we've enough food/cash to comfortably see the day by. Well, after that? It's upto the individual. But my point is even if we've enough cash to travel around the world, and back, will we find eternal happiness?
I don't know. That's for you to think about. Me, I think the answer is the same, to do that one spiritual action which will make each day enriching.
But right now, I don't know what that action is for me! The quest is still on...
Spiritually yours,
Bij Chabs
Deep machi.... but as they say.. life's beautiful because we know it isn't infinite... thr, some gyaan from my side :)
You know, people always make comments when anything is predicted to take place in 2012, like “fairly that is if the world is still here.” You do achieve that the Mayans predict the faction will finish on Dec. 21 (or 23rd)? So in all distinct possibility if anything is accepted to turn up in 2012 there is solitary the slimmest conceivability that the everybody will secure ended first it happens.
]global economic crisis 2012
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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